A Short Guide To Cable Containment Systems

The correct management of cables is not always as straightforward as you may think. In fact, in commercial and industrial settings, it can become extremely complex. It is vital that proper cable containment solutions are used to help overcome these problems. Listed below are just a few of the different cable containment systems available.

Cable Trays

A cable tray has become one of the most popular ways to manage cables in an industrial and commercial space. These trays are capable of handling different kinds of cables such as power lines to optical cables.

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Cable Ladders

Like trays, a cable ladder is immensely useful in a number of situations. In fact, it has several remarkable features that make it an ideal choice. One of the major benefits is that it does not allow moisture to accumulate. Additionally, the absence of a cover can speed up heat dissipation.

Single Rail Cable Trays

These trays are usually used for low voltage power cables. Jobs that require a high degree of cable freedom and rapid installation will choose this kind of system.

Trough Cable Trays

Troughs are typically used in situations that has moderate heat generation. They are also suitable if the support spans are short or medium in length. These trays can be made from metal or from non-metallic materials.

When purchasing cable containment systems, it is always a good idea to go to a reputable company. After all, you want to buy the best cable basket possible.

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